Chicks should initially be kept in a warm brooder box, which should be kept inside and away from drafts. Ideally, provide a cardboard box, covered at the top and lined with newspaper on the floor of the box.

Young chicks are not able to maintain their own body heat so an artificial heat source is needed. Ideally you need to purchase a ceramic heat globe which will provide an excellent source of heat. Use of an ordinary light bulb is not recommended as this provides insufficient warmth.

The brooder box should be set up and ready for arrival of your chicks. You should aim for a brooder box temperature of 35 Degrees Celsius at first and gradually decrease this to 30 Degrees Celsius over the first seven days. Reduce this temperature over the next four weeks to around 20 Degrees Celsius.

To monitor the brooder box temperature, place a thermometer on the floor of the box but not exactly under the heat source. As an indication, if the chicks are too cold they will huddle together for warmth. The box should be large enough to allow the chicks to move away from the heat source if they feel to warm.

It is vital that the temperature is maintained around the clock.